
Foo Bar Baz

26 Oct 2020

Recently, I got an opportunity to talk with a Japanese tech company. Their idea for the business is really nice and easily to approach to other industry.

Here I gonna summarize the quiz, I got in the tech session. And how I was tackled it:

Web Architecture Design: I got the documents about their system and explaining about user and system. Then It is my part to discuss architecture. I made an awful mistake by starting from the dataflow and event diagram. It cost me time, I even cannot find a way to finish it. After a while, they guide me on what they need. And it comes to the system architecture. So, I design and explain it as a micro-service. In the end, it was like the below picture. ↓↓↓↓

Programming: There is a sequence of numbers from 1 to 50. Please made an output by these conditions.

  • If it multiplies by 3, then print “foo”.
  • If it contains 3, then print “bar”.
  • If both of those conditions are correct, then print “baz”.

This is my answer.

Then I got a question, about what if the sequence is a big number. umm….that time I answer them by a parallel thread. And, this problem is O(n). (As we need to check every number).

Todo Application Design: As I was lucky that I start learning React recently, so an idea about component and screen design is still fresh. I drew up a prototype and explained the components which I will use. I think about the sign in and sign up page, TodoList table, and the CRUD details. Also, I tried to add some ideas about UX and some additional fields that might be needed. Then, I explained the structure of the table with MongoDB. So we can use a feature likes non-semantic records and collections. In this part, sometimes I get stuck with some Japanese words (like ‘ワイヤフレーム’) and some kanji in descriptions (like ‘消化 or 消費’ I forgot lol ).

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